
“Beth is passionate and knowledgeable about nutrition”

I have nothing but wonderful things to say about my experiences with Digest Well. I came in with a completely out of balanced gut microbiome after years of diet on Starbucks and take-out during a busy time. The Digest Well program really helped in eliminating symptoms and resetting my body.

More than anything, Beth is passionate and knowledgeable about nutrition and I loved learning from her on the latest research on microbiome. Working with her made me feel confident in getting my health back 100%. As with anything, progress is not linear and takes time – her support along the way really played a part in how I dealt with discouraging feelings.

[Fun fact: when I started, I did not know how to cook. But because of how encouraging Beth was, she made me feel like taking care of myself was fun. And it is! It does not have to be hard. Her recipes are simple and practical. And I truly enjoyed nourishing myself with healthy foods and cooking is now a hobby.]

I recommend Beth to anyone who wants to address concerns they have about their gut or adjacent health issues from the root and perhaps feel burnt out from conventional medicine.
— Cassie, Westborough, MA

“I would highly recommend this program”

As a middle-aged man working a busy tech job, my body was slowly telling me the foods I used to eat, even on occasion, were not making me feel well. Even small portions of alcohol, grains and sugar yielded instant acid reflux, some stomach pain and overall feelings of sluggishness and malaise. After learning about the link between the gut biome and both physical and mental health, I was ready to give Beth’s Digest Well program a try. My goal was not to lose weight per se, but to feel better, sleep better, and have more energy. After the first three weeks, all these things came true. After a week the acid reflux was gone. After two weeks I was sleeping better and therefore had more energy. And after about two months I was down about 15 pounds. Even my ocular migraines started to disappear and overall stress felt lighter. I would highly recommend this program to anyone who is willing to re-learn how to prepare and eat in a slightly new way. There are habits you must break to get these results. And if you have a family at home with kids, you must all be on the same page. Beth’s recipes are delicious, but you must prepare them. That’s my advice if you are ready for a change: the food WILL make you feel better and be better, but you’ve got to prepare. And without Beth’s coaching, it would have been much harder to learn and change those habits. If you are tired of not feeling well after you eat, need to lose some weight automatically (even with light exercise), or just need to reset your body for a fresh start, the Digest Well program will do it. If you’re speaking with Beth about a program and would like to discuss my experience, Beth can share my information with you.
— Ken, Boylston, MA

“I have reduced my stomach upsets”

I started Beth’s program because I wasn’t feeling well. I definitely needed help getting my gut healthy. Both my parents had issues with their digestive tract. Basically I needed to learn how to eat all over again. Thanks to this program I have reduced my stomach upsets to nearly nothing! I eat really well, I am never hungry and I have lost over twenty pounds in four months. I stick to eating mostly grain free and lactose free. I take suggested supplements and use lots of Beth’s great recipes.

For someone who is willing to try a different approach to getting healthy and feeling better, I couldn’t recommend Beth more. I go out now and order off the menu, sometimes with a few substitutes , and really enjoy what I can eat and don’t really miss what I can’t eat! Thank you Beth for all your consults. I am feeling confident with a 6 month follow up Maintenance Program, that I will be able to stick with eating healthy through the summer and into the Holidays.

As an extra bonus, my husband has benefitted as well. He has also lost over twenty pounds because he eats what I cook! Good luck and don’t give up, it’s worth all the sacrifices.
— Anna, Waltham, MA

“I haven’t felt this well in years”

Many years ago, I started experiencing digestive issues, probably in response to stressful events in my life. I developed acid reflux, abdominal pains, gas, and nausea. About a year and a half ago, my doctor let me know that my blood sugar had risen to a prediabetic level, I had a new gluten sensitivity, and I had developed something called Schiatzki’s ring on my espophagus. By then, I needed Prilosec on a daily basis to deal with my worsening acid reflux. Just when I didn’t know what to do next, I saw Beth’s add in a magazine and decided to contact her.

After meeting with Beth, we decided to combine the Digest Well and Sugar Crave Away programs to meet all of my needs. While I have taken other steps to reduce stress and control my response to it, I really didn’t know how much food was affecting my body. Beth explained gut health and sugar cravings in detail, using visuals and slides that she had personalized for my particular health issues.

Additionally, I started my program right before Thanksgiving and did not eat many of the traditional holiday foods. This part of the process didn’t turn out to be as hard as I thought because Beth provided alternatives and tips on how to deal with all of the sugary foods.

Now, I am at the end of the program and can honestly say that I haven’t felt this well in years. Not only have I been able to stop taking Prilosec, but I don’t have any other pain, gas, or nausea. In the past, I had gotten used to feeling discomfort, and it was quite startling to really look at how much it affected my life. Later, I felt massive relief to feel free from that discomfort. I am grateful that my body feels better and that I don’t spend my days thinking about my stomach and its issues. Thanks, Beth!
— Robin, Shrewsbury, MA

“It’s amazing to not feel sick every day and have the energy to live life.”

I had struggled with anxiety and depression and had accepted I probably would for the rest of my life. A few years ago I began experiencing low energy and a doctor suggested I try working with a holistic nutritionist. Beth’s consultation was the first time anyone had explained to me how the digestive system works and the role it plays with mental health. I had suffered with stomach issues for years and no gastrointestinal doctor has ever helped me, nor have they explained why I was having these issues. Beth took the time to get to know my diet, my lifestyle, and me as a person, and assigned me a program to repair my gut.

The Sugar Crave-Away program is very easy to follow and is diverse. Along with guidelines, Beth also provides some delicious and easy to make recipes! My favorite part is that this is meant to be a sustainable lifestyle change, not a traditional “diet”. The main goal was not to lose weight (even though I did lose 33 lbs), the goal is to eat so you feel healthy. It was a big adjustment for me in the first few units, but with Beth’s support and guidance it went smoothly. Beth is very encouraging and does a fantastic job at explaining each step of the program. Beth is also always available if you have questions and gives fantastic advice if you find yourself struggling.

Through Beth’s program I have been able to eliminate all of my stomach issues, significantly increase my energy, and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. I feel like a normal person again and I am truly happy with my mind and body. It’s amazing to not feel sick every day and have the energy to live life. I’m so grateful to have found Beth and cannot recommend this program enough!!
— Chandler, Framingham, MA

” I lost 30 pounds and feel better than ever now”

I found HNS and Beth through a friend, and could not be happier that I did. I had been dealing with IBS, fatigue, bloating, and weight gain for years before turning to a nutritionist for help. My goals were to reach a point where I felt that I was eating foods that were helping my body instead of adding to my issues, to lose weight, and to just feel better and less sluggish. Beth combined two programs for me; the Sugar Crave-Away and the Digest Well programs, and created something that was easy to follow yet very thorough. I loved the fact that each unit had easy-to-follow rules and a meal plan template with suggested meals for each day of the week. If there were certain meals or foods in the meal plan that I didn’t feel like eating or making, it was very clear how to replace them. The recipes that Beth included with each unit were simple to make and delicious. Beth was a great support to me throughout the program. The unit check-ins kept me on track, and allowed me to understand fully the weeks coming up. Beth not only explained each step of the program, but went into detail about the reasoning behind everything, with the science to back it up. I am so happy that I found Beth. I lost 30 pounds and feel better than ever now, and owe it to her guidance!
— Melissa, Northborough, MA

“I’ve been feeling really good, better than I have felt in a very long time”

I had been experiencing digestive issues for about 15 years, which really ruled my life. I had tried everything: going to doctors (all the tests said I was fine), elimination diets, hypnosis, meditation, over the counter medications–nothing worked. When I found Beth, I was feeling very lost but also determined to address my gut issues. I decided to work with Beth because she had a detailed plan to address my health, and she was very responsive and supportive. In the first three units of Digest Well, I had a lot of detox symptoms. It wasn’t easy, and took a lot of work, but Beth supported me the entire time and was very compassionate and understanding. Then, all of a sudden, something shifted and my body started to heal. For the past few months, I’ve been feeling really good, better than I have felt in a very long time. Eating is so much easier, and I don’t spend hours thinking about how my body is going to react to foods. It’s so freeing! I highly recommend working with Beth if you are ready to take control of your health!
— Katherine, Brighton, MA

“I feel healthier than I have for a long time”

A few years ago, I started experiencing digestive issues, which continued until last year. In 2019, my health hit a really low point where I was not only struggling with bowel movements, loss of energy, stomach pains after each meal, but also severe mood swings and anxiety attacks. I came across a book on compromised gut health and saw I checked off almost 9 out of 10 symptoms. I then researched gut healing diets, but they were overwhelming. Unsure of how to start, I researched nutritionists and was so excited when I came across Beth!

From the beginning, she cultivated a very encouraging space. In our first two meetings or so, she walked me through not only the process of switching to a healthier diet but also why my body responded the way it did.

Beth created a Digest Well program catered to my specific health issues with different foods and supplements. Whenever I had a question, she was responsive and explained in detail why something was acceptable or not. It not only made the transition less stressful, but I also enjoyed learning about nutrition.

It’s been about 9 months since starting the program and I feel healthier than I have for a long time. Although results were noticeable as early as three weeks in. It gave me my life back in a big way and it’s a great feeling to not feel sick every day. Using this program has been a lifestyle change more than anything! Truly grateful to have discovered Beth and to have worked with her!
— Cassie, Westborough, MA

“Absolutely body- and life-changing stuff”

I suffered with IBS and intermittent joint pain and fatigue for more than 20 years, learning to just ‘accept that this is who I am’. As a health and wellness practitioner, I worked to find help from many places: traditional GI doctors, acupuncture, random supplements off the Internet…. Only when I began Beth’s Digest Well program did I start to heal and TRULY feel well. I tell people I don’t have IBS anymore, my joints feel great, I sleep like a rock, I have lots of energy during the day, and even my skin looks amazing. Beth designed a nutrition and supplement regimen completely tailored to my needs as well as my preferences, and I now have a new, sustainable way of eating and nourishing my body that I love. Absolutely body- and life-changing stuff.
— Megan, Franklin, MA

“Thank you for helping me live a healthier, more energetic lifestyle”

Thank you for your encouragement to join your Nutritional Body Renewal cleanse program. Although the goal was to reset my eating habits to a healthier lifestyle, I did also loose 10 lbs in the process which is always welcomed.

However, what I really wanted to tell you about was the change in my energy level. I was always the joke in the family with regard to my sleeping habits. For years I have been one to need 9-10 hours of sleep. Then, whenever possible, I would nap every day and a two hour nap was a regular occurrence for me.

Since my detox, that has all changed for me and I couldn’t be happier. I noticed an increase in my energy level right after my first detox, but after my second detox is when I really turned around. I now sleep the normal 8 hours a night and wake up without an alarm clock. Naps? never anymore, I just don’t need it. Even on days when I am packed with work, appointments, and daily chores, I might close my eyes for 20 minutes, but never sleep. It’s amazing to me and I am thrilled.

I look forward to making the detox program a regular occurrence and thinking about doing it on a quarterly basis. Would you please let me know when the next program will start?

Thank you for helping me live a healthier, more energetic lifestyle.
— Maureen, Marlborough, MA

” Beth has been a miracle worker and this program has changed my life”

I have experienced digestive issues for over 30 years, including IBS, lactose intolerance, acid reflux, and removal of my gall bladder. I had learned to live with daily episodes of IBS, planning my meal times and activities around my expected episodes. Things recently escalated this year when I experienced multiple bouts of diverticulitis and C-Diff. There was a never-ending cycle of antibiotics, tests, medications, etc. none of which helped at all. After working within the medical establishment, trying one thing after another over a few months and spending thousands of dollars towards my deductible, nothing was working. I had no quality of life and could barely leave the house or go to work. My doctor referred me to a dietician and that did not help at all. I decided I needed to try something different, outside of standard medical practices. With a very lucky Google search, I found Beth. She listened to my long history of issues and patiently explained, with helpful graphics, exactly what was going on with my body. It was the first time I was able to gain some understanding of the damage that my diet was doing to my digestive system. I started her Digest Well program and almost right away, my acute symptoms stopped. After the first of 6 units, I was no longer experiencing daily IBS episodes or heartburn. I was able to come off all of my medications. Her recipes and instructions were easy to follow. There were no restrictions on how much I could eat so hunger was not an issue. The recipes were delicious and easy to make. I am now almost finished with the program and have never felt better. I have lost 40 pounds and have no IBS or reflux symptoms. Beth has been a miracle worker and this program has changed my life. I will never go back to the way I was eating before and will continue with what Beth has taught me for the rest of my life.
— Elissa, Stow, MA

“I will always be grateful”

When I first met with Beth I felt depressed. I had been diagnosed as having Leaky Gut Syndrome. My symptoms included extreme fatigue, weight loss, constipation, nausea, stomach pain and acne. Due to Beth’s professional knowledge but also her compassion and empathy, I slowly but surely started my journey towards better health. So many of my symptoms are much better. I also know what to do if I have a bad reaction. Best of all, I know that Beth is there for me if I should need her. She has been a wonderful gift in my life, and I will always be grateful.
— Mary, Brookline, MA

“I’ve learned so much about my own health from working with Beth”

I worked with Beth for 6 months, and I can’t begin to explain how her support has impacted everything from my health and lifestyle, to my eating approach, and view on food. From the beginning she has been supportive, encouraging, and willing to help in any way she can. I’ve learned so much about my own health from working with Beth and have seen an improvement in everything from my energy, mental clarity, mood, and hormonal balance. I can tell Beth is passionate about what she does, and as a Nutritionist is someone I would highly recommend.
— Karen, Clinton MA

” I can finally eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables without feeling sick”

I have been struggling with IBS for as long as I can remember. I have spent years, and lots of dollars, trying different programs and ways of eating to help ease my gut issues with no success. Thankfully, Beth was recommended to me by a friend that had participated in her program. I knew the program was going to be hard but after seeing the progress that my friend made I also knew it was the right thing to do to finally feel better. I have just completed the program and feel better than ever. I got rid of a lot of bad habits that I either didn’t know were bad or felt I didn’t have the power to give up. I can finally eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables without feeling sick. Beth is not only extremely knowledgeable but also very caring and supportive. I could not have done such a program without her support.
— Sue, Westborough, MA

“I am so thankful I found Beth “

In 2016 I got sick with SIBO, Giardia, parasites, leaky gut, just to name some. I was sick and not getting better. Traditional GI doctors said “IBS” and even though my nutritionist at the time was knowledgeable, she couldn’t help with a specific diet. I really felt helpless. I floundered eating what I thought was healthy for two years. That in itself was stressful! When I met Beth, she gave me clear and easy recipes with a step by step plan that I desperately needed. Since I don’t like to cook and I’m not good at it, this was a huge relief. As we worked together, she patiently answered all my questions as she is extremely knowledgeable about the gut, diet, supplements, stress, the body and more. Now that I’m “on my own”, I still use Beth’s recipes and supplement guideline which I plan to use for years to come. I am so thankful I found Beth as I am finally on my way to getting my health back. Thanks again!
— Courtney, Sudbury, MA

“By the end of the three weeks I had an incredible feeling of wellness.”

In January I contacted Beth Colon because I was experiencing the usual sluggishness I typically feel after too much holiday cheer. In addition, I had an upcoming physical and I would be having annual blood tests/lab work. I was hoping that by working with Beth and following her advice I might be able to improve the values of my blood test results and achieve an overall feeling of wellness both physically and mentally. I met with Beth and told her of my health issues and what I was hoping to accomplish by working with her. Beth listened, asked questions, evaluated my needs and recommended I try her Nutritional Body Renewal Program, a three-week plan for body detoxification. She gave me a folder complete with an overview of the program, a menu plan for each week, a shopping list, numerous recipes and more. We reviewed the program in her office and before I left she told me to email her if I had any additional questions and that she would be contacting me for follow up support. As I started the program I immediately started losing weight which was an extra bonus. By the end of the three weeks I had an incredible feeling of wellness. I had the bloodwork done, an annual physical and all results exceeded my hopes. To quote my doctor “Your labs are fantastic.” I am so thrilled with the results of the Nutritional Body Renewal Program, I plan on doing it again when I feel the need. Beth is extremely professional, compassionate and knowledgeable, I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a certified Holistic Health Practitioner.
— Johanna, Shrewsbury, MA

“This program far exceeded my expectations!!

I was diagnosed with GERD and Barrett’s Esophagus about 10 years ago after complaining to my doctor about a chronic cough. I was told that I would need to be on Proton Pump Inhibitors (Prilosec, Prevacid, etc.) for the rest of my life and was prescribed 20mg/day. During the next 10 years, my cough got progressively worse despite the medication. The only “solution” offered was an increase to the dosage of prescribed PPI’s. I ultimately ended up taking 80mg/day of PPI’s and 300mg/day of Ranitidine (Zantac). These medications were wreaking havoc on my body causing a host of other problems including headaches, chronic constipation and elevated blood sugar. I was at the end of my rope with “traditional” treatment and could only see my health deteriorating more.

This is when I contacted Beth. She was confident that she could help me and recommended the Digest Well program. I began the program in June 2017. One month after starting the program I was completely off all medications!! The headaches and constipation were gone and my coughing was reduced by about 50%!! Now, at the end of the program, my cough is 95% gone and my blood sugar is back to a normal level!!

This program far exceeded my expectations!! I never thought it would be possible to live without taking medicine. The tools and knowledge that Beth provided will help me to eat well and digest well for the rest of my life. Thank you, Beth!!
— Lisa, Worcester, MA

“It was a pleasure to work with such a knowledgeable and thoughtful person.”

Meeting Beth was the best thing that has happened to my gut! Now in my early 30s, I had struggled with “stomach” issues for about 5-7 years. I had constant/daily stomach aches, diarrhea and crazy sugar cravings. After going to see many doctors and having a number of procedures done with no betterment and only being able to eat a handful of foods that I know didn’t cause me pain, I decided to look into holistic nutrition. I found Beth and her Digest Well program and it has helped virtually eliminate all the stomach aches, the diarrhea and my sugar cravings have gone from “eat sugar all day, everyday day” to not needing to eat it on a daily basis. I can’t say enough good things about the methodical and practical way Beth guides you during her program. It was a pleasure to work with such a knowledgeable and thoughtful person.
— Romina, Worcester, MA

“The recipes were clear and fun to follow.

Beth’s slow and steady Digest Well Program was a basic starting point for improving my health as I worked with other practitioners. Her thoughtfulness, common sense and reassurance helped keep me on track over the months. She was available for extra phone visits to give me information (I can’t use the computer much). We even did some of the planned meetings by phone. The recipes were clear and fun to follow. I do now have some favorites. I recommend Beth to anyone.
— Martha, Sherborn, MA

“I felt NO pressure with Beth”

I came to Holistic Nutrition Services at the recommendation of my brother, he had been worried about some health issues I was having with my digestive tract. He lives in Oregon and lives this holistic lifestyle, he felt I needed someone familiar with “gut healing” practices so he took to Google to find me someone who could help. The first 2 visits where his birthday gift to me and after meeting with Beth I decided this was something I needed to at least try. I opted for the 6 visit plan and it wasn’t easy at first. Due to my health issues it started out with not much more than homemade broths and boiled vegetables. I had to give up much of what I was eating and drinking in order to get my gut back to being healthy & functional. My issues involved serious and dangerous constipation that had landed me in the emergency room on at least 4 occasions prior to my first visit with Beth and that experience had given me some good motivation to give it 100%.

I am a person that puts a ton of pressure on myself so any outside pressure will cause me to just shut down and I will fail. I felt NO pressure with Beth, I was at ease and didn’t feel like I was being judged or scolded for my past choices. I’ve learned a great deal about my entire intestinal tract through this process and although I did have a couple relapses, each time it’s been easier to bounce back and stay on track. I don’t know what I would have done without these changes to my diet and I’m positive my problems would have been much worse if I was eating like I used to. Speaking of eating, I can’t believe how much I don’t miss bread and how I LOVE sauerkraut, avocado, mashed cauliflower and Gingerade Kombucha!!!

I’m down to my last appointment and I’m sure I will be back!! I have my diagnosis from the GI specialist so now we have an even better understanding of what is to come and my diet is a big part of how I’ll be managing my health.
— Jennifer, Whitinsville, MA

“contact Beth at Holistic Nutrition Services, the program is life changing”

Diagnosed with IBS at 16, I have been struggling with the same dietary issues for over 20 years now and this is the first time in my life that I have found a nutrition that heals my gut and supports my digestion so that my energies can be focused on living my life. Years of antibiotics and poor dietary choices left my gut in misery and my battery on low. I have listened to many doctors and diet specialists and Beth’s Digest Well program is the first advice and program that have worked 100% for me. The best part is that after 4 months on The Digest Well program I have new dietary tools to keep my gut and myself happy for the rest of my life, and as a bonus I have lost weight! If you are looking to make sense of how you can eat for health and energy and heal your gut, contact Beth at Holistic Nutrition Services, the program is life changing.
— Anna, Sudbury, MA

“eating healthier left me feeling so much better overall and energized”

Having been diagnosed with lymphedema in my legs two years ago, I wanted to do the most I could to keep it from advancing if possible. I was doing the treatments recommended but wanted to go one step further and see what was to be learned/gained from a nutritional consult with Beth. Wow, what an eye opener! With all the information imparted to me about inflammatory foods, eating healthier, doing the changes in eating at a reasonable pace, and preparing many of the delicious recipes she handed out set me up for success. In five months I no longer have joint pain and stiffness in my legs, brain fog is gone, and dropping 20lbs as a result of eating healthier left me feeling so much better overall and energized. Being a retired RN, I appreciated Beth’s professionalism, depth of knowledge, and caring attitude. She definitely made me a believer in the saying “You are what you eat (and digest)”.
— L.L., Westborough,MA

“I feel great! I really enjoyed the food as well.

I am so glad I went to Beth! I was having stomach problems and was on prescriptions that I didn’t want to be on.
I was concerned about my immune system too. After almost a year of problems, I decided to seek nutritional help.

Beth is so knowledgeable and so helpful. She created a diet rich in probiotics and healthy clean foods, plus supplements to help me get healthy again. She explained how the gut works and why I was having these issues.

With Beth’s help, I am happy to say that I am weaning myself off the meds and I’ve also lost 20 lbs!

I feel great! I really enjoyed the food as well.

I have learned so much during this time and have changed the way eat! Thank you Beth!
— S.M., Westborough, MA

“my skin cleared up and I had less heartburn”

I can honestly say working with Beth changed my life. For over 15 years, I’d been plagued with gastrointestinal problems and what I can only describe as “female issues”. I had an initial face-to-face consult with Beth, followed by phone calls and e-mails. Distance was not a problem! The program she put me on was amazing. After only one week, my skin cleared up and I had less heartburn. After a month I had lost weight (which wasn’t even an original goal) and I felt much better. And within 3 months I had lost 30 pounds, my skin was completely clear, I had no heartburn and I almost never had stomach issues. The specific carbohydrate diet, which Beth helped me integrate into my hectic lifestyle, is amazing!
— T.G., Bar Harbor, ME

“Thank you Beth for your knowledge and guidance and for helping me regain a healthy gut!”

I was diagnosed with Microscopic Colitis last summer and was experiencing chronic diarrhea. I contacted Beth in September and went to work with her trying to fix the problem nutritionally.

Beth educated me as to what my body was experiencing and then outlined a “diet” that would help to repair my gut. This included supplements. While I wasn’t 100% with the diet and even had some horrendous days over the holidays, I did change the way I ate dramatically. Then miraculously, as abruptly as my symptoms had begun, they ended in early February. What a relief!

I will add that Beth and I discussed the stress in my life during our first meeting and my stress level was declining while I was following the diet. I can only surmise that this “miracle” occurred due to both the diet and the stress reduction.

Today I am still very careful what I eat but am not nearly as restricted. Thank you Beth for your knowledge and guidance and for helping me regain a healthy gut!
— C.F., West Hartford, CT

“people have complemented me on how much happier and healthier I look.”

For years Beth has been providing me with exceptional nutritional and supplement advice. Beth’s advice has been extremely helpful as long as I stuck with it, which as encouraging as Beth is, after about 6 months I would quit. I forever talked myself out of the routine telling myself that I was a healthy eater and I exercised regularly, I was fine.

Then my daughter and I decided to try the Nutritional Body Renewal. After 21 days sticking with the program and meal plans I cannot believe how remarkable we both feel. The change in my digestion, complexion and energy level has been remarkable. My daughter was tested for a gluten allergy and neither of us felt we had an issue with gluten. Once we gave up the gluten, took the supplements and stuck with the meal plan we discovered that we felt amazingly better without the gluten! Gluten was dragging us down and making us feel awful!

After completing the 21 day plan, the changes were so evident; I decided to overhaul my lifetime eating regimen. I have continued with Beth’s suggestions and delicious recipes and I have so much more energy, my complexion has cleared up and people have complemented me on how much happier and healthier I look. I believe the happiness comes from not having to worry about how my digestion system was going to react on a day to day basis. Normalizing my digestion was a huge takeaway from this program.

As for my daughter, she is a sophomore in college and just quit the meal plan she was on so that she can cook for herself.

Beth’s knowledge, support and encouragement have made a major influence on my lifestyle and I will continue to seek her consultation.
— Bobbie, Marlborough, MA

“Within a few days I could feel a difference in my body”

I am typically a pretty healthy eater, but felt like I needed to change it up a bit and needed some professional guidance. Beth helped me with a plan for the Nutritional Body Renewal that was not only healthy, but delicious and convenient. She shared the recipes that she created herself and they are excellent! Although my cleanse is finished at the moment, I am still using her recipes because they are so good! I was happy I followed her advice to include the supplements she recommended as well. Within a few days I could feel a difference in my body and within a week, I was sleeping better than ever. My plan is to do another cleanse this fall and would ultimately like to work up to doing Body Renewal on a regular basis. I was never hungry and felt great!
— Maureen, Marlborough, MA

“Beth’s encouragement over the period was very empowering”

Beth Colon was a breath of fresh air when I really needed it. I got caught up in the medical system with severe acid reflux and spent my 60th birthday in a hospital emergency room. I was prescribed over the counter medication and was feeling very unhealthy. Beth recommended a multi stage program, GAPS, (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) to heal my gut and I followed it religiously for over 4 months. Her encouragement over the period was very empowering and it has led me to a greater understanding of my digestive and general health which I intend to carry forward in my life. My wife came to the appointments with me and prepared the various foods and recipes that Beth recommended. This team approach was also very helpful and Beth encouraged it as well!
— Michael, Westborough

“the results are astounding”

I brought my 77 year old mother to Beth nine months ago. Her health issues; which include COPD, allergies, arthritis, constipation and obesity had continued to worsen over the past ten years. Her doctor put her on a battery of medications, but promised no improvement of her conditions, only hoping for stabilization. Mom had resigned herself to the fact that she would never “get any better” and each year she would spend several weeks in the hospital followed by months on steroid medications with horrible side effects.

Beth was thorough, empathetic and patient and came up with a solid, reasonable plan for Mom. After ONE DAY on the new plan, Mom’s constipation was gone and she was not tied to the over the counter medication she had been taking daily for the past five years! Beth guided and encouraged her to a healthier, holistic way of eating over the next few months. Getting Mom to consider changing up her daily donut with her friend Rose, was not an easy task, but Beth stuck with her and Mom started bringing a healthy alternative snack to the coffee shop. Any resistance she felt began to diminish as Mom started to look and feel better. Her grayish complexion turned rosy, her digestion and respiration began to slowly improve and then…she began to drop pounds! That was the turning point where she realized that her new way of life WAS her new life. Her coughing has diminished, her breathing is better and thus she is able to walk more and more each week. No hospital stays either! She is committed to improving her health and her lifestyle by continuing along the new path Beth has created for her. I am thrilled that she is embracing a healthier, more delicious life and can look forward to enjoying so many more quality years.

Beth combines knowledge and compassion to inspire her clients to want to do better, to be better and the results are astounding.
— Kathy, Bolton

“I feel so much better”

When I first went to see Beth about my digestive/stomach issues, I honestly did not have a lot of faith. I have seen so many doctors and specialists for so many things, and my experience is that most people in healthcare have not offered much in the way of a sound, holistic approach.

On our first visit, after hearing of my symptoms, Beth explained in detail how the gut behaves when damaged, and I learned so much about my gut health that i wondered how it was possible to have not known this, or why other healthcare professionals do not talk about such things.

I have done a lot of research on my own, and I know that science has pinpointed our gut/brain connection to be the center of our immune system and health. This makes sense.

Beth outlined a plan for me to begin repairing the damage done by several surgeries, one which was an intensive abdominal surgery, and all the antibiotics over the years, and my very abusive dietary habits.

She understood I am a foodie and that it was difficult to accept some life changes, such as giving up coffee (which had been recommended by many healthcare professionals), and she worked with me to make a plan and was there to help me to be accountable.

Her approach to tailoring a plan to me personally really helped. And just the act of charting my eating/drinking habits and how they make me feel was enlightening and left no room for doubt.

I can honestly say that everything she told me has been accurate.

She explained with pictures and diagrams how I had damaged my gut, and how I was essentially receiving very little nutrition from any whole foods I was eating, because I could not break them down and digest them. Overtime I would eat I would bloat up and be in pain, full of gas. She has given me guidelines for foods that I can more easily digest, thus giving my gut time to re-build its damaged tissue so that I can ultimately add back in some of the healthier things I enjoy. Now, when I stray from the guidelines, I really feel the difference. My body rejects my old diet, and took so quickly to the new habits.

Some of the changes were so simple. I gave up coffee and started drinking anti-oxidant rich green teas, and started eating a healthier diet based on what my gut needs to repair, and I very quickly noticed a change in the tone of my skin, and the brightness of my eyes. I feel so much better, and I am only in training for the full on GAPS diet. Each success I have had in making these changes and seeing and feeling a physical improvement has been encouragement to keep going.
— Karen, Westborough

“Beth taught me so much more about how critical gut health is to our well being and mood”

Beth is so knowledgeable about nutrition and how it impacts our bodies. As a cancer patient, I approached Beth in hopes of helping me gain back some weight I had lost during treatment. I was also hoping to find renewed energy as a result. She not only helped me eat so I could become stronger, but she taught me so much more about how critical gut health is to our well being and mood. Her recommendations were practical, personal and powerful.
— Jennifer, Southborough

“I heartily recommend Beth’s expertise, methods, and program as a means restore and heal a digestive system in need of repair and rejuvenation”

By my own admission I had been “addicted” to sweets and wheat related products such as pizza, soda, cookies, donuts, etc. for decades. I felt severely bloated pretty much all the time, gained weight from poor eating over many years, and had little or no energy. Under Beth’s guidance, I started the GAPS diet on January 2nd of this year. Upon my initial viewing Beth’s plan for me, I found myself rebelling because I deemed the program “too hard,” and was fearful that I would not be able to succeed. However, because I felt so miserable from being stuck in the cycle that I was in, I was determined to give the program my best effort.

Little by little, and step by step, I have been able to succeed on the program and feel much better as a result. And while my primary focus is on restoring my digestive system back to optimal health, it was nice to learn after I weighed myself last week that I’ve lost 15 pounds so far. While sticking to the GAPS diet has required discipline and perseverance on my part to succeed, I feel the effort I have put in has been well worth it. Beth has provided me with many tasty, nutritious and healthy recipes that has overhauled the limited selection of foods healthy and otherwise that I used to eat. And as a result of this, an interesting side effect that I didn’t anticipate when I first started the program is that I’ve grown to enjoy cooking.

I heartily recommend Beth’s expertise, methods, and program as a means restore and heal a digestive system in need of repair and rejuvenation. I have been tremendously blessed by Beth’s care and support.
— Steve, Worcester

“After just 10 days it was amazing how much better I felt”

I have suffered with chronic digestive issues most of my life. Over the last couple of years, through lots of research, I changed my eating habits and was eating a “clean” diet with mostly whole, organic food and gave up gluten and dairy. Things improved, but I knew something was still missing and couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I was constantly tired and had no energy. I continued my research and came across the “GAPS” (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet and that’s how I found Beth. I knew I needed help to make sense of everything I had learned.

Beth helped me realize that although my diet was very good, my gut needed healing first before my body could absorb any nutrients my food was providing. This was the missing link that I was never able to piece together through my research. She implemented a plan and started me on the “GAPS” diet. After just 10 days it was amazing how much better I felt. I still have a lot of healing to do, but thanks to Beth’s support I do believe I will finally get there. Thank you Beth you’ve changed my life forever!
— Diane, Westborough

“I’m very appreciative to have found someone who was so knowledgeable”

Beth has been a tremendous source of knowledge and guidance in my journey with the GAPS diet. I had done some initial research into GAPS and that is when I found Beth. We were able to work out some great recipes that I’m still using in my everyday diet. I’m very appreciative to have found someone who was so knowledgeable about this topic. I would highly recommend her services to others.
— Jen, Worcester, MA

“with Beth’s help, I am on the path to good health!”

I began dieting at 9-years-old and have been on a cycle of food restriction and binge eating for over 30-years. Through working with Beth, I have come to understand more about the way the food we eat and the supplements we take affect gut health and how gut health affects the brain, the immune system, sleep patterns, and basically every system in the body. Beth has helped me understand my body’s nutritional needs and has helped me to let go of my sugar addiction as well as my fear of eating protein and fat. I have noticed significant improvement in my sleep quality and energy levels throughout the day and I am continually amazed by how satisfying good quality food can be. I consider eating for health to be a never-ending journey and every food choice is a step along that journey. I am happy to say that, with Beth’s help, I am on the path to good health!
— Amanda, Northborough

“Thank you Beth for a wonderful renewed healthy life.”

When my daughter suggested I go to a nutritionist, I was reluctant. But I agreed to keep her happy. At first, I did not think anything would change with my health problems. I am a chronic asthmatic, with COPD. I also have circulation problems. I have been this way for 20 years.

Beth did a wonderful job helping me understand the need for good nutrition. I have had constipation problems for years. Beth solved that problem for me immediately. I was elated. In the 5 months I have been going to see Beth, she has suggested alternatives to my frequent trips to “Dunkin Donuts” and other fast food places. I am feeling better. They say I look better, but I don’t think so. Anyway, I am losing weight slowly. Beth was very patient with me and encouraged me to keep a food diary. That is a big help.

I have made changes to my diet, as Beth suggested. She is very good explaining why we need certain foods, and supplements. Some things I have changed, but there are others that need to be worked on. I am a work in progress.

And…………I have had only one donut since i have started going to Beth.

Thank you Beth for a wonderful renewed healthy life.
— Agnes, Framingham, MA

“I am so thankful for her plan and for her coaching!”

My gut was a mess when I came to see Beth, thanks to multiple rounds of antibiotics. Inflammation, candida, IBS symptoms, you name it. Beth helped me devise a nutrition plan that would help to heal my ravaged gut, and her plan was not only very reasonable but remarkably easy to follow. She gave specific guidance and literature that helped me stay on track, as well as recipes and meal ideas that were tailored to what would work best for my digestive system – and they were really good! After a month or two of incorporating Beth’s suggestions, my digestive system had really calmed down and has been SO much better ever since. What a difference. Way better than my GI doctor’s recommendation of taking antispasmodic medications! Beth’s approach helped heal the problem, not just cover up symptoms. I am so thankful for her plan and for her coaching!
— MB, Bellingham, MA

“I’d recommend Beth’s programs and classes to anyone looking to clean up their eating habits and improve their health.”

I started working with Beth to address several issues, one of which was cravings for sugar and carbs. We both felt doing a cleanse would help get me going in the right direction, and though I was concerned that the eating guidelines might be too difficult to follow, it turned out to be easier than I thought. Recipes, meal and snack suggestions, and even acceptable “cheats” helped me choose foods to support my body during the gradual cleansing process. My sugar and carb cravings diminished within a few days, I lost a few pounds and now feel I have some eating strategies to start the holiday season off right. I’d recommend Beth’s programs and classes to anyone looking to clean up their eating habits and improve their health.
— PK, Westborough, MA

“I would recommend her services to people of all ages.”

I’ve always believed I was pretty healthy. I exercise regularly and eat a low fat diet, but still felt like I was missing something. I wanted to make sure I was really getting what my body needed to stay healthy into my 50s and 60s and thru menopause. Beth took a lot of time to analyze my lifestyle and habits and helped me realize what was lacking. She’s offered suggestions to slowly break bad habits and has given me great ideas with foods I’d never considered helping me balance my diet and giving me what I need to ‘stay even’. She’s also given me insight into where my children may be deficient and ways to make family meals more healthy! I would recommend her services to people of all ages.
— JS, Bolton, MA

“Beth’s suggestions and recipes were very helpful.”

I have been needing to detoxify and lose 10 or more pounds for years now. Beth recommended her Nutritional Body Renewal Cleanse. I met with her once and the plan seemed easy to follow. I did lose the 10 pounds and I am so happy! Beth’s suggestions and recipes were very helpful. I am also going to incorporate many of the suggestions as they were delicious and nutritionally superior to my old ways. I must say that this has been the easiest and best tasting diet I have ever done. Thanks Beth!
— LD, Bolton, MA

“I am so thrilled I did this cleanse!”

I went into the Reset with the intention of healing my glands which have been swollen since I had Mono last year, headaches and stiff neck. I also have been trying to lose 10 lbs for a long time and was hoping this would break my plateau. In addition, I had been having a bit less energy than usual. Having done cleanses for the past decade, I was skeptical about why this one would be different.

I was amazed by my results!! This is the first cleanse I have encountered that has a specific food plan along with supplements. I developed a craving now for veggies! I lost 13 lbs, lowered my blood sugar, my glands are 75% smaller than when I started, I have NO cravings for sweets any longer, and my headaches and stiff neck has completely disappeared!

I am so thrilled I did this cleanse! I am very happy with my results and the changes it has made in my life.
— LH, Marlborough, MA

“I feel healthier, clearer and have more energy.”

I was a bit reluctant to do the Ultimate Reset cleanse but I was pleasantly surprised by the outcome. I lost weight, didn’t go hungry and the recommended meals were amazingly good! The Reset helped me to focus on eating smaller, healthful meals at regular intervals throughout the day instead of constantly snacking on a lot of empty calories. I feel healthier, clearer and have more energy. I would do this cleanse again!
— LC, Bolton, MA

“My entire system is working better”

I first contacted beth for help with digestive problems, constipation and diarrhea. Beth’s ideas and suggestions worked so well that when different problems would crop up over time, I returned for help solving them as well. Most recently I saw Beth regarding food allergies and she helped with an elimination diet and plan to determine what foods were bothering me – again with success!

I found Beth extremely knowledgeable and informative. Beth helped me understand more about nutrition, good and bad effects of various foods and supplements. My entire system is working better as it should work. My husband and family also had their health improved because of all the little food and health tips I got from Beth that I would bring home and try on the family. Although I wasn’t dieting or eating less, improving my nutrition and avoiding allergic foods has resulted in me losing weight and feeling full and satisfied all day.
— MB, Hudson, MA

“Holistic Nutrition Services has helped me lose weight, inches, and regain strength”

I wanted to pursue a weight loss and exercise program with Holistic Nutrition Services because I knew I needed to lose weight and get healthy. I had previous experience with Holistic Nutrition Services and Beth Colon during a cleanse class and found the information so very valuable. Nutrition is so important to overall good health. Holistic Nutrition Services has helped me lose weight, inches, and regain strength. The support of the group gave me the incentive to keep going. In just 6 weeks I lost a total of 14 inches. The most surprising was the losses of 3″ in my waist, and 4″ in my thighs. I will definitely continue with this program and consult with Beth on all my nutrition needs and any questions I have about healthy living.
—LC, Bolton, MA

“I’m very grateful for Beth’s knowledge and guidance.”

I have always been interested in nutrition and well being, but I consulted with Beth because I was becoming frustrated by the increasing amount of health information and nutritional supplements available.
I knew it was time to take charge of my health and Beth has been a tremendous help to me.

After carefully reviewing my detailed health profile, she recommended some good vitamin and mineral supplements that I’ve been using for several months.
She took all the time I needed to answer my questions and to explain why the supplements would be beneficial.

Beth also provided me with a personalized health handbook that reviewed everything we discussed, including good food choices.

What I especially liked was that she was not promoting any overnight miracle or strict plan, but encouraged a gradual shift to a better way of nourishing myself to maintain good health.

Beth also reassured me that change occurs over time and not to worry too much about slipping back into old habits occasionally.

I’m very grateful for Beth’s knowledge and guidance.
— CW, Southborough, MA

“I felt more energetic and slept better at night”

Beth, thank you so much for your informative nutrition session. This is something that I have wanted to do for some time and since your class I wish I had started sooner but I guess it is never too late to get started on a healthier lifestyle. Within two weeks into my program I could feel a difference in my body. I felt more energetic and slept better at night. I have tried some of your recipes and your suggested foods and even found a way to bring some of these ideas to my family dinner table. Thank you. Please count me in on your next workshop. I am planning to bring my two teenage daughters along as well. Although we try to encourage healthy eating at home, I think hearing it from a professional is always better than just hearing it from mom.
— ME, Bolton, MA

“I am sleeping much better and recovered my sense of well being”

Thank you for the significant difference that Holistic Nutrition Services has had in my life. Not only has your work with me resulted in better eating habits, it has also elevated my consciousness in all areas of better health. Thanks to your good work, I have regained lost weight, am sleeping much better and recovered my sense of well being.
— MP, Shrewsbury, MA

” I really enjoyed her class!”

I participated in one of Beth’s nutrition clinics and got a lot of practical, helpful information. Beth gears her classes towards those of us who have busy, stressful lives and points out pragmatic ways that we can incorporate healthier habits into our everyday lives. I really enjoyed her class!
— CC, Bolton, MA

“I have learned so much more about high quality supplements that target my specific health needs”

I started coming to Holistic Nutrition Services because of gastrointestinal issues and recent diagnosis of osteoporosis. I wanted to undercover ways to help both issues. Holistic Nutrition Services has helped me learn what foods and high quality supplements to add to my diet to help restore my bone health and help get my digestive system back on track.I always thought that my diet was good but through intensive counseling with Beth I have learned so much more about high quality supplements that target my specific health needs. In addition, the recommendation of specific foods to avoid and those to add into my diet was extremely helpful in treating my health issues. I feel great!!
— PO, Southborough, MA

“I really appreciated her thoroughness and felt like she really listened “

Beth took the time to sit down with me and ask me many questions before recommending vitamins and other well-care things.

I really appreciated her thoroughness and felt like she really listened to what I had to say and ask about.

I have been on the regime she recommended since last spring and I have been remarkably healthy since.
— NF, Bolton, MA

“I would recommend Beth with confidence to anyone “

As a health care provider myself, I found Beth very knowledgeable and helpful in ways that my M.D. has not been.

I have been looking for someone to integrate my non-traditional approaches to medicine.

I would recommend Beth with confidence to anyone who wants not only to feel better but to learn more about their overall health.
— Dr. CVP, Ashland, MA

“I am the healthiest I have ever been! I am so thankful for Beth’s help!”

When I first met Beth I was very concerned about my health. For a few years I had been experiencing frustrating health issues that got in the way of my daily life as a college student. However, after speaking with Beth, I instantly gained a positive outlook on my health. She discussed my health concerns on a more personal level than doctors and came up with an individualized plan that fit my needs. After just a few weeks on her daily regimen I felt like a whole new person. It is great to know that I am naturally helping my body stay healthy. It has been four months now and I am the healthiest I have ever been! I am so thankful for Beth’s help!
— EF, Durham, NH

“I would recommend Beth to anyone looking to make healthy changes to their lifestyle.”

I participated in one of Beth’s spring cleansing workshops and was delighted with the results. Her workshop was clear, informative and comprehensive, even giving participants samples of foods beneficial to eat during the cleansing process. The cleanse itself was gentle, easy to follow and very effective. The dietary changes I made during the cleansing based on Beth’s advice felt so beneficial that I incorporated them into my daily diet! I would recommend Beth to anyone looking to make healthy changes to their lifestyle.
— DM, Bolton, MA

“I really felt great after the cleanse”

I took Beth’s cleanse class this past spring and found her style to be just what I needed; knowledgeable and supportive, but also very realistic in her approach. I really felt great after the cleanse, and plan on repeating it this fall…
— SB, Bolton, MA

“This is the first time I’ve been able to stick with a program and I think it has changed my whole idea of how I eat!”

Through the weight loss program with Holistic Nutrition Services, I lost 17 pounds and although I’m still not officially doing the program, I’m eating like I am. This is the first time I’ve been able to stick with a program and I think it has changed my whole idea of how I eat! I’m no longer craving sweets and carbs 24/7 and I’ve learned how my body feels and reacts to carbs. I’m mindful about food choices and I plan on continuing my weight loss endeavors.
—LD, Bolton, MA

“Beth’s program is informative and effective “

I attended one of Beth’s workshops and learned how to do a gentle cleanse on my body. Beth’s experience and knowledge shines through as she shares information and practical tips on making small changes to diet and incorporating healthy recipes into my daily routine. Beth’s program is informative and effective and I felt great while on the cleanse. I’d highly recommend Beth and her classes to anyone looking to make improvements to their diet and lifestyle and achieving better health!
— LK, Bolton, MA