Holistic Nutrition Services

Holistic Nutrition Services

BethHi! I’m Beth Colon, MS., BCHN, and I specialize in gut microbiome repair and maintenance. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients over the last 20 years and have changed many lives with successful outcomes.

If you have IBS, GERD, abdominal pain or other stomach issues, I can help you!

If you are pre-diabetic with sugar addiction but you really want to improve your A1c number before you end up with Type II diabetes, I can help you!

Do you have gluten sensitivity but don’t know where to begin? I can help you!

The health of your gut microbiome is intimately involved with the above issues. I can help you repair it!

No one should be in pain after eating – life is too short for that.

Call or email and discover how Holistic Nutrition Services can help you feel better. Why wait any longer!


Digest Well
“I’ve been feeling really good, better than I have felt in a very long time.”
— Katherine

Digest Well

Experience relief from digestive issues with our Digest Well program!

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Sugar Crave-Away
“It’s amazing to not feel sick every day and have the energy to live life.”
— Chandler

Sugar Crave-Away

Struggling with sugar cravings is a common experience, often driven by processed foods, erratic eating habits, and imbalanced gut bacteria. Our Sugar Crave-Away program is designed to help you conquer those cravings.

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Nutritional Body Renewal Cleanse
“Thank you for helping me live a healthier, more energetic lifestyle.”
— Maureen

Nutritional Body Renewal Cleanse

Are you looking to kickstart your weight loss journey, revitalize your metabolism, and rid your body of toxins? Our Nutritional Body Renewal Cleanse might just be the solution you’ve been searching for.

Learn More

Free Guide

    Receive your FREE GUIDE
    "5 Things You Can Do Right Now
    For A Happy Gut After Eating"
    by entering your name and email below:



    Your free guide is a PDF document which can be printed or downloaded.

    Testimonial Samples

    A few words from some of our clients…

    “I’ve been feeling really good, better than I have felt in a very long time”

    — Katherine

    “By the end of the three weeks I had an incredible feeling of wellness.”

    — Johanna

    “Beth’s encouragement over the period was very empowering”

    — Michael

    “I am sleeping much better and recovered my sense of well being”

    — MP

    “I am the healthiest I have ever been! I am so thankful for Beth’s help!”


    Read More

    Why Wait

    Why wait?

    Begin your journey to better health right now!

    Call or email to discuss how Holistic Nutrition Services can help you.