Maintenance Program

A 6-month maintenance program is available for us to continue working together upon completion of your program.

Maintenance programs need to be entered within one month of completing your program. It’s very simple with minimal time involved for you! Each month we would meet for 30 minutes over Zoom where we would discuss what you’ve been eating and how you are doing as well as deal with any food or supplement issues along the way. During the month before our meeting, you would be sending me weekly food summaries to report the foods you’ve been eating that week along with any issues or not. Maybe you simply need advice on something you saw at the market, something you’ve read or you are looking for new recipe ideas. I’m here to here to help you try new things and answer questions while helping you maintain the excellent progress you have made toward your health goals. I’m offering a little hand holding along the way to the rest of your life!

Call or email now to get started feeling better. Why wait any longer to put a plan into action and change your life!