Souper Trim Down 2021

Welcome to the group forum for the Souper Trim Down program!

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I will also be sending “official” communication to the group through this forum. This is a new way for us to communicate so let’s see how it works out for the 12 days. Have fun with it!

73 Replies to “Souper Trim Down 2021”

  1. Happy Friday!!! I have lost 6lbs! Feeling great and so glad to have this jump start!! Thanks Beth for the program, great tips and support! I have been losing weight slowly since March so this helps alot and I will continue with some of the changes I have made. the recipes were great too and I still have soups in my freezer left over! Stay safe and well!

  2. Day 12- phew, we made it! Just a few more hours…

    Congratulations to everyone who persevered! We were so lucky to have nice weather for most of this program so we could get out and walk. Today is…so dark and rainy. I hope that some good things came out of this program for you. If I haven’t heard from you, shoot me an email and let me know how you are and how you did. Any suggestions or comments about the program are also welcome. You all did great and it was fun to do this all together. Have a wonderful day and thanks for participating in the Souper Trim Down!

    1. I am down 5.8 pounds, which is good! Maybe if I’m very careful today, I’ll get down to 6 pounds, but if not, that’s OK!
      Thanks for the support, Beth and all.

  3. Day 11- it can’t be true! Just one more day!

    Tip Of the Day: make sure you concentrate on low sugar fruits like berries and mango for smoothies. Fruits can have a lot of sugars which can sabotage weight loss!

    I’m so proud of all of you ! We are almost done! Your weight loss should be about 5 lbs at this point give or take a little. For an a age of 7-10 lbs weight loss try the Nutritional Body Renewal I host in the spring. It is a 21 day liver and full body cleanse program that involves supplements and is a little less restrictive food wise than the Souper Trim Down.

    I know a couple of you have started this program a day or two late or are ending a day or two early. That’s fine, just make the adjustments so you get your 12 days in. You deserve extra kudos for having the initiative to be on your own for a day or two!

    1. Are cherries low-sugar? Or just berries and mango? I’m down about 5.5 pounds, not too bad!
      Still eating squash soup, chicken, and salad.

      1. Paula,
        I was just giving a couple of examples, there are many more fruits that are low in sugar. Cherries are similar to berries in sugar content just not as easy to find organic and you have to pit them.
        Correction: Actually, I meant to say melon this morning not mango, meaning cantaloupe melon.

        Great job Paula! 5.5 pounds is excellent weight loss for this short program.

      2. I have frozen pitted cherries, but they’re not organic. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen organic cherries in my Stop & Shop. Thanks.

  4. Tonight is turkey tenderloin and salad with roasted veg. I added just little frozen avocado (2T) to my shake this morning and that has really helped. I was hungry in later in the morning, but not as much.

    I feel brighter and lighter on the Trim Down. I will definitely keep some of these habits going forward…. smoothie for breakfast some days, eating protein and vegetables and not eating much carbs, minimal snacking. Eating pumpkin seeds. My blood pressure has gone down, and I lost a few pounds so I would say it’s a success.

  5. Welcome to day 10! Won’t be long now!
    Tip of The Day:
    Spend a few minutes evaluating how kicking bad food habits can help with with weight loss. Maybe not eating at night after dinner has helped or maybe avoiding bread/potato/pasta/rice is helpful. Maybe portion control has helped you. Whatever it may be, try to incorporate better practices over the long term. In any case, you are doing great just to have undertaken this program – we are so close to the finish line- keep up the good work!

  6. Day 9- getting close! Keep up the good work!
    Tip of the Day:
    We are now a week into this program but if you are greatly struggling to get from your morning shake to lunch don’t despair! Keep things going by adding a little protein and complex carbs to your shake routine. Try having 1 egg and up to 1/2 cup chopped veggies/greens. For example, sauté 1 beaten egg with 1/2 cup chopped greens and a little onion. This will allow you to feel fueled much longer than with just the shake with only a small hit on weight loss. You could also try a cup of soup along with your shake if you are sensitive to eggs. If a fiber filled shake works fine for you, stick with that as it will be better for weight loss. Note that I do not advocate a lone shake for breakfast over the long term. It is , however, a good temporary weight loss strategy.

  7. Day light savings always throws me off a bit- at least my food is under control- I get really hungry between meals but down 5 lbs so that is good 😊

  8. Thanks for the tip Beth I feel like something different besides soup! Although they are great recipes! Can I make a egg omelet with lots of veggies? I didn’t know we could have eggs until I read the comments. What other proteins can we have besides chicken and salmon?
    I’m doing well, learning to not snack! I’m down 6lbs so I’m really happy with that!!!
    Have a great day everyone! Hoping to fit a walk in today on this beautiful day!

  9. Day 8, we made it to week 2!

    Tip Of The Day: I hope you are all enjoying the program but if you are tired of the same same same, here is an idea for you. To change things up a bit you can deconstruct your meals. For example, instead of putting protein on top of your salad for lunch, you can put protein on your 3 allowed crackers. You can also have whatever protein that is in your soup on a plate with vegetables. For example, you could have a piece of fish, poultry or tempeh with vegetables on a plate instead of in broth. Included is a picture of a vegetable scramble I made to serve with a 4 oz. piece of fish for dinner to make something different over the weekend. That said, I am loving the soups and stews but it is nice to have a different variation once in a while!

    You guys are doing great! Keep going!

    1. Looks good! I have a question. I saw in the booklet that eggs are allowed? So could I have a hard-boiled egg with my salad? Or did I read that incorrectly?
      I am down about 5 pounds!

      1. OK, good to know. Thanks. Also, I made a double batch of the butternut squash soup and somehow, it came out a lot more watery than in the past. Maybe the apples I used were too big, I don’t know. So I microwaved some more squash, pureed it and added it to the soup. And I split one can of coconut milk between 2 batches. Maybe in the future I will use less broth, and save some to add later if needed.

  10. Hi, The weekend went well. We had the turkey chili most of the weekend. I had a great salad with chicken yesterday. I’ve used the pumpkin seeds to help with the hunger and a few crackers. I still get hungry but I’m powering through. I added some roasted veg to my salad and that helped. Question: Is there a lot of iron in pea protein? I’m post menopausal so I’m not suppose to get that much iron. Thanks.

    1. Diane,
      You don’t have to worry about food based iron unless you have hemochromatosis. For menopausal women it’s supplemental iron that is a concern so make sure your multivitamin is iron free.

  11. Day 7 along with the time change!

    Tip of the day:
    If you use store bought chicken broth, you will have to add extra herbs and spices to the chicken broth based recipes because the intensity of flavor is not there in the store bought broth. You can simply increase the seasonings in the recipe or you can go a step further and add the seasonings in the home made chicken broth- parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme to your taste. Enjoy!

  12. Day 6, we are at the halfway mark! Yay!

    Tip of the Day: If pumpkin and sunflower seeds resonate with you, consider buying a bag of roasted salted and a bag of roasted unsalted seeds. Mix them together so you don’t get such a big hit of salt. Much better for you!

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